I had heard through the grapevine that the medication to treat dogs infected with heartworm was never going to be available again or having some sort of problem. So I started searching the internet for info on the situation. It sounds like that the company Merial that produces the only medication approved for use in the USA is having technical problems in the plant that produces melarsomine. Not good news for dogs infected with adult heartworms.
Here is a link you can follow to keep you updated on any developments: http://www.heartwormsociety.org/ I just came across this article posted on October 7 that states that a limited supply of the medication is now available. Keep your fingers crossed for those unfortunate doggies that are in need of this treatment that the supply become easier to obtain.
While wondering around trying to get the story on this problem I came across a very intresting blog that I wanted to share with you about heartworm. WARNING: Before you read this I want to state something first. Never take anyone's word without doing your own research, especialy when it come to the matter of health. I also don't endorse any outside link I post on my blog unless stated otherwise. Ok now with that said here is the link: Terrierman's Daily Dose
Welcome to Barlee Creations' blog! I am an artist that creates all breed needlepoint dog art and more. On this blog I will be posting dog stuff along with a little bit of this and that. I was not very good at writing assignments for school so what ever my "Dog doesn't eat" I will be posting it here.

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
NEW Matching Pet and Owner Jewelry Sets
I am very pleased to announce my latest line in doggie jewelry...... matching sets, for you and your canine companion. I have made my pet jewelry with dogs particularly in mind but please don't let that stop you from using them for other animals. Any animal that wears a collar, harness, or similar tack can easily wear my pet charms.
My new sets will include a collar charm for your pet and either matching earrings or pendant for you. I will have styles for men, women, and unisex just as I do for the collar charms. My sets are a lovely symbol of the special bond you both share.
I was reluctant to get into making jewelry for people as there are so many great artisans out there already. I've had several people look at my collar charms and tell me that I should make matching sets for people. The thought had been kicking around in my brain so I took this as a sign to make a move on this new endeavor. I must say that I really am glad I did.
Right now I only have three sets currently listed, but I have loads of ideas floating around in my head. Keep watching my ArtFire store, Twitter, and my blog for updates on newly listed jewelry and other items. Who knows, perhaps for a future giveaway I will offer a special set for the occasion.
Collar charms,
New design,
wearable art
Monday, October 17, 2011
I Just Listed Some New Dog Collar Charms
Ever since I learned how to wire wrap I have been having such a great time making my Dog Jewelry. I have been refining my skills and scouring the internet for new techniques to learn. Some of the new techniques I have learned came from some super talented artists on ArtFire. And of course catinalife has helped me the most. She is just the kindest person and the most incredible craftswoman.
In the beginning I had a limited amount of supplies but since then it has been slowly growing. Every time I am on the computer or at a bead supply store I have been keeping my eye out for special supplies. I don't really plan in advance what I want to make, although there are sometimes I do. I like to look at my beads and findings and let them "speak" to me. Often times I will sit down with all my beading supplies surrounding me and I will look for that one focal piece. I will then lay it out before me and contemplate for a little while while I envision what the piece "wants" to be.
I still have a few more supply orders to place before I sit down and start making more Doggie Bling. Although I will have to admit I was getting itchy fingers the last two days so I made three new pieces. Unfortunately for you they wont be released until later. Don't be to sad, at least I am listing 10 NEW Dog Charms now. (Keep check back at my store to see when they all have been finished being posted.)
Before I end this post I want to give you a little teaser of what I will be listing very soon. Well, I have been wanting to do something special with my Dog Collar Charms. I will leave you with one word.............Sets.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
New design - introducing the Leonberger
That is right, it has been a while since the last time I added a new breed. Most recently I have added new colors to breeds I already have and I have even redid a few older pattens. So I think it is about time for a new breed and here it is the Leonberger.
One of my more recent repeat buyers asked me about making the Leonberger. Of course I am always very happy to accommodate requests but I was excited to be working on this particular breed. I keep a growing list of breeds and colors that I would like to make. I am hoping someday to have all the breeds and colors done but in the meantime I have my list. The Leonberger just happened to be one of the breeds at the top of my to-do list. I just love the rich colors of this breed's coat, so beautiful.
The size of the Leonberger is 3 5/8" x 5" or 9.20 x 12.7 cm. I currently have the single side crate tag listed on ArtFire and very soon I will get the ornament listed as well. Any time you are looking for a breed, item, color, etc please contact me if you don't find what you are looking for. It could be I just don't have it listed as of yet.
If there is a dog breed or color that I don't have that you would like to see me carry please leave me a comment below. I always enjoy hearing input from other dog lovers. Are you having a hard time finding a "hard to find" color for your favorite breed? I would love to be the one place to offer that color. So speak up and tell me about it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My Starved Rock Trip
Well yesterday I went on a much needed one day vacation to Starved Rock. Wow, the last time I believe I was there was back in grade school. A lot of things had changed since then (I am referring to the place and myself).
It is not a place for those who can not get up and down many stairs, with many being steep and some with a rather long drop. There are not very many flat surfaces most of it is a lot of up and down with sandy path ways that are riddled with tree roots. Even though stairs are used they are not used throughout. The terrain and tree roots have made faux stairs that only people who are agile can negotiate.
The injury I sustained to both my knees years ago gave me some issues with the obstacles but I was able to manage, although not gracefully I am sad to report.
Surprisingly the problem I did have that proved to be the hardest and most scary for me was making it back up all the man-made steep stairs back to the top. I am very embarrassed to say I am not as fit as I was back in my twenties. My heart was beating very fast and hard, every few steps I would have to stop and rest a bit. If it wasn't for those dang stairs I could have kept on going. My dog Fussy she came with us and she to had a problem getting back up the stairs as well.
Despite having problems getting back out of the trail we did have a very good time and the views were beautiful. Little squirrels and chipmunks where scurrying every where throughout the forest and acorns and leafs rained down from above. I don't have any idea how we made it out without being hit by any of the falling acorns. A few times they rained down so heavy and hard I knew that if we got hit by one of these tiny missiles it was going to leave a bruise. Some of the path was where made up of wood planks and when the acorns would hit they exploded with bits of acorn shrapnel.
Fussy (she is that little speck in the picture above) she had a great time. She hadn't the faintest idea where we were or where we were going but she was determined to lead. She pulled the whole way with a huge smile on her muzzle. Even when she was getting tired she was determined to keep on truckin'. We had to keep her in check because she was just so delirious with excitement she would have just tumbled right off a drop offs. As it was she kept tripping an falling over when ever she wasn't paying attention or stealing a peek back at us. (Don't worry she never got hurt, if she had we would have stopped immediately and gotten her out.)
At one point we stopped at one of the maps to see where we were and to figure out which fork in the road we should take. After we figured out which way to go we started up the stairs then we came to another fork and neither one of us could remember which path we needed so I waited with Fussy while my sister ran back to the map.
As I am wait Fussy decides she is tired of waited for us and figures she need to make decision. So she picked the stairs and stared up before I could stop her. From down by the map my sister yells up that we need to head right. I look over at Fussy and tell her "Sorry sweetie you picked the wrong path, come on down." Fussy was insistent that the direction she picked was correct. After a bit of coxing I had her come back down and off we went on the right hand path.
We reached a flight of stairs headed down. My sister and Fussy reach the bottom and my sister turns to me (I am still half way up the staircase) and she tells me that it is a dead end. Fussy was right, we took the wrong path. So I tell Fussy to come back up the stairs however she was really insistent that she needed to keep going down this wrong path. No matter what we did she wouldn't listen. So we gave up and followed her. She was right again! Poor thing, she needed to take a potty break. LOL! Dogs must get so frustrated trying to communicate with us humans.
Where we ended up was the only place that had a muddy ground with a tiny stagnant stream. Up until this point Fussy with here long Springer coat had stayed fairly clean. She mostly had seeds, leafs, and bits of twigs in her coat. Just by her walking on the muddy ground her feet were black and then she started falling over. Plop! Right in the mud. We walked over to the stream and sure enough, PLOP! Fussy fell in, luckily it was only a few inches deep. After she collected her self you could see the little light bulb go off in her head. Water! Before we could stop her she took a swig out to the stream. We both screamed, "No!" Well needless to say we broke out the water bottles and dish for her to drink out of.
I wish I could have taken more photos but between enjoying the scenery and keeping the deliriously happy Fussy in check I didn't have the time. Besides most of landscape wouldn't have translated very well into a photo.
Today me and Fussy are still pooped, I know my mussels are very sore and from the looks of her she is to. I guess it is pain pills for the two of us for a while. All in all it was a good day and a great change of pace for the both of us.
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